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Attendance of scientific events / Participari la evenimente stiintifice


Poster: Constantin Mardari, Catalin Tanase, Irina Volf, Igor Cretescu, Gabriela Soreanu (2021). Testing the bioremediation potential for certain atmospheric pollutants of some plant species from Romania – Preliminary results. 30th International Conference Ecology & Safety, 16-19 August 2021, Burgas, Bulgaria.

Poster: Diaconu M., Volf I., Cretescu I., Soreanu G. (2021). Response of the Microorganisms in the Compost Bed Towards the Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Exposure in the Presence of the Most Prevalent Inorganic Gases in Air. 11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, 8-10 September 2021, Switzerland.


Papers / Lucrari stiintifice


Constantin Mardari, Catalin Tanase, Irina Volf, Igor Cretescu, Gabriela Soreanu (2021). Testing the bioremediation potential for certain atmospheric pollutants of some plant species from Romania – Preliminary results. Ecology & Safety 15: 12-20.





Attendance of scientific events / Participari la evenimente stiintifice


Poster and exhibition (poster si exponat): Gabriela Soreanu, Igor Cretescu, Mariana Diaconu, Irina Volf, Gabriela Lisa, Elena Niculina Dragoi, Tudor Alexandru Cobuz, Mihail Gutu, Constanin Mardari, Catalin Tanase (2022). BIO-AUTO project: Biofiltration of air from urban automotive underground spaces. Conferinta si expozitie “Space and Security for Eastern Europe. Romania – 10 years in the European Space Agency”, 16-19 May, 2022, Bucharest, Romania.

Poster: Gabriela Soreanu, Constantin Mardari, Catalin Tanase, Irina Volf, Liliana Lazar, Igor Cretescu (2022). Carbon dioxide reduction potential of some plants involved in the removal of air pollutant mixtures by biofiltration. 31th International Conference Ecology & Safety, 16-19 August 2022, Burgas, Bulgaria.

Poster: Gabriela Soreanu, Constantin Mardari, Catalin Tanase, Irina Volf, Vasilica Maier, Igor Cretescu (2022). Preliminary assessment of air purification by aerial plant based biofilter. 31th International Conference Ecology & Safety, 16-19 August 2022, Burgas, Bulgaria.

Poster: Gabriela Soreanu, Constantin Mardari, Catalin Tanase, Igor Cretescu (2022). Tillandsia (Xerographica) plant: a new challenge for air revitalization. 2022 MELiSSA Conference - Current and future ways to closed life support systems, 08-10 November 2022, Toulouse, France. 


Papers / Lucrari stiintifice


Gabriela Soreanu, Constantin Mardari, Catalin Tanase, Irina Volf, Liliana Lazar, Igor Cretescu (2022). Carbon dioxide reduction potential of some plants involved in the removal of air pollutant mixtures by biofiltration. Ecology & Safety 16: 27-33.

Gabriela Soreanu, Constantin Mardari, Catalin Tanase, Irina Volf, Vasilica Maier, Igor Cretescu (2022). Preliminary assessment of air purification by aerial plant based biofilter. Ecology & Safety 16: 34-41.




Attendance of scientific events / Participari la evenimente stiintifice


Poster: Tiberius Balaes, Catalin Tanase, Gabriela Soreanu, Constantin Mardari, Igor Cretescu (2023). Soil fungi resistant to organic pollutants as a potential solutionFor air biofiltration. 32nd International Conference Ecology & Safety, 14-17 August 2023, Burgas, Bulgaria.


Papers / Lucrari stiintifice


Tiberius Balaes, Catalin Tanase, Gabriela Soreanu, Constantin Mardari, Igor Cretescu (2023). Soil fungi resistant to organic pollutants as a potential solution for air biofiltration. Ecology & Safety 17: 16-22.

Gabriela Soreanu, Catalin Tanase, Constantin Mardari, Dragos Lucian Gorgan, Igor Cretescu. Article Physiological Investigations of the Plants Involved in Air Biofiltration: Study Case. Sustainability 2024, 16, 1529.  IF=3.3

Gabriela Lisa, Igor Cretescu, Catalin Tanase, Constantin Mardari, Nita Tudorachi, Andra-Cristina Enache, Petrisor Samoila, Gabriela Soreanu. Effects of biofiltration on the physical-chemical-biological profile of the aerial plants used for toluene removal from waste air, revealing new opportunities for circular economy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 207(2025), art114890 (published online 2024). IF=16.3

Gabriela Lisa, Igor Cretescu, Catalin Tanase, Constantin Mardari, Nita Tudorachi, Andra-Cristina Enache, Petrisor Samoila, Gabriela Soreanu. Study of Hedera helix response to the toluene exposure through cross-advanced investigation techniques (submitted, ISI).

Gabriela Soreanu, Catalin Tanase, Constantin Mardari, Igor Cretescu. Assessment of air purification biosystems for environmental applications. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 195(2025), art 106742 (accepted December 2024). IF=6.9



Gabriela Soreanu, Igor Cretescu, Gabriela Lisa, Catalin Tanase, Constantin Mardari. Instalatie si procedeu de biofiltrare a aerului poluat din zone urbane. Cerere de brevet CBI A 00733 / 24.11.2023.                                                      








                                 Final rapport (selective)

Prezentarea obiectivelor: proiectul vizeaza sa aduca contributii la dezvoltarea unei biotehnologii durabile pentru diminuarea poluantilor gazosi in spatiile urbane subterane cu trafic auto. Doua alternative tehnologice de biofiltrare (asistate de microorganisme si respectiv de plante) vor fi comparate din punct de vedere al performantelor de indepartare a urmelor de poluanti relevanti (anorganici, organici) din aerul procesat, considerand si impactul de mediu.

   Rezultate estimate: utilizarea biotehnologiilor bazate pe microorganisme si plante specifice pentru a rezolva problemele de poluare a aerului intr-o maniera durabila, cu accent in particular pe spatiile urbane subterane cu trafic auto, considerate drept o locatie importanta de acumulare a poluarii.


Etapele de implementare a proiectului - descriere


Etapa 1 - 2021: Etapa nr. 1 a cuprins o serie de activitati desfasurate pe doua directii de cercetare: astfel, o parte dintre aceste activitati au vizat monitorizarea calitatii aerului in cadrul unor locatii subterane cu trafic auto, iar alta parte au vizat o serie de investigatii preliminare pentru stabilirea configuratiei experimentale si a cadrului de lucru pentru desfasurarea activitatilor aferente etapei urmatoare, atat din punct de vedere tehnologic cat si analitic, respectiv din perspectiva performantelor asteptate.


Etapa 2 - 2022: Etapa nr. 2 a cuprins o serie de activitati pentru caracterizarea si compararea performantei diferitelor matrici biologice implicate in biofiltrarea aerului, din perspectiva atat a performantei de eliminare a contaminantilor gazosi procesati in diferite conditii de operare (gradul de indepartare a contaminantilor, capacitatea biofiltrelor de eliminare a acestora) cat si a performantelor de mediu (precum potentialul de incalzire globala, de acidifiere, eutrofizare, toxicitate etc.) care sa permita selectarea unor optiuni de biofiltrare sustenabile pentru combaterea poluarii atmosferice din spatiile urbane subterane cu trafic auto.


Etapa 3  - 2023: Activitatile prevazute in etapa nr. 3 au vizat completarea tabloului privind particularitatile optiunilor de biofiltrare microbiana si biofiltrare clasica din prisma impactului de mediu pentru identificarea de solutii sustenabile de biofiltrare, modelarea si optimizarea performantei procesului cu identificarea principalelor cauze care ar putea influenta performanta biofiltrelor clasice si botanice, dar si a unor noi elemente pentru imbunatatirea performantei procesului de biofiltrare, si nu in ultimul rand testarea cu gaz real provenit dintr-o parcare auto subterana a variantelor promitatoare pentru propunerea unor biotehnologii viabile pe termen lung.



Rezultate obtinute

Investigatiile realizate in cadrul proiectului au contribuit la promovarea utilizarii biotehnologiilor bazate pe microorganisme si plante specifice pentru a rezolva problemele de poluare a aerului intr-o maniera durabila, oferind variante tehnologice sustenabile pentru spatiile urbane subterane cu trafic auto, considerate drept o locatie importanta de acumulare a poluarii.

                              Final rapport (selective)

Objectives overview: the project aims to provide a sustainable biotechnology for the reduction of gasesous pollutants in urban automotive underground spaces. Two biofiltration technological alternatives (microorganisms-assisted and plant-assisted, respectively) will be compared in terms of their performance in the removal of multiple relevant trace pollutants (inorganic, organic) from the processed air, while considering the environmental impacts as well.

         Expected results: the use of biotechnologies based on specific microorganisms and plants to solve air pollution issues in a sustainable manner, with a particular focus on urban automotive underground spaces as an important pollution sink to be addressed.

Project implementation stages - description


Stage 1 - 2021: The first stage included a series of activities undertaken considering two research directions: thus, a part of these activities were focused on the air quality monitoring in the frame of some undergound locations with auto traffic, while another part were focused on somepreliminary investigations in order to establish the experimental configuration and the framework for further performing of the activities related to the next stage, both from technological and analytical point of view, as well from the perspective of the expected performances.


Stage 2 - 2022: This stage comprised several activities for the characterisation and comparison of the performance of the different biological matrices involved in air biofiltration, from the perspective of both the removal performance of the gaseous contaminants processed under different operating conditions (removal efficiency, elimination capacity) and environmental performances as well (e.g. global warming/acidification/eutrophisation/toxicity potential etc.) that allow the selection of some sustainable biofiltration solutions for the mitigation of the atmospheric pollution from the urban undergound locations with auto traffic.


Stage 3 - 2023: The activities undertaken within the stage no. 3 were focused on completing the overview concerning the particularities of the microbial and botanical biofiltration options from the perspective of the environmental impact for the identification of sustainable biofiltration solutions, the modelling and optimisation of the process performance with the identification of the main causes that could influence the performance of the clasiccal and botanical biofilters, but also of some new elements for the performance enhancement of the biofiltration process, and last but not least the testing of the promising options with real gas issued from an undergound auto parking for the proposal of long term viable technologies.


Obtained results

The achieved investigations in the frame of the project contributed to the promotion of the use of the microorganisms and plant-assisted biotechnologies for solving air pollution issues in a sustainable manner, offering sustainable technological options for urban automotive underground spaces, considered as an important pollution sink to be addressed.

© 2021 by Project manager. Last update 30/12/2024. Created with

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