Cercetarile efectuate pe parcursul proiectului BIO-AUTO au permis evaluarea optiunilor de biofiltrare in varianta microbiana si botanica pentru combaterea poluarii atmosferice urbane, in particular din spatiile urbane subterane cu trafic auto, considerand atat performanta de indepartare a diferitilor compusi gazosi cat si din punct de vedere a performantei de mediu. Cercetarile s-au concretizat prin propunerea si testarea in conditii reale a doua variante tehnologice promitatoare (biofiltru modular de tip coloana, biofiltru de tip perete verde) ambele bazate pe plante, care s-au dovedit viabile pe termen lung. Biofiltrul modular a fost de tip hibrid, acesta cupland un proces de biofiltrare microbiana cu un proces de biofiltrare botanica, in timp ce peretele verde a beneficiat de componenta microbiana prin intermediul substratului de crestere al plantelor. Prezenta microbiotei este asociata cu o intensificare a procesului de biogradare a contaminantilor organici, in timp ce plantele joaca un rol important in captarea dioxidului de carbon alimentat cu aerul atmosferic sau generat insitu din procesele biologice. Investigatiile realizate au evidentiat potentialul plantelor din flora autohtona de a fi utilizate in astfel de biofiltre, dar si a unor noi plante nemaiinvestigate pana acum, din categoria plantelor aeriene, aducand astfel contributii importante in acest domeniu si deschizand noi perspective si oportunitati de explorare stiintifica avansata pentru dezvoltarea de solutii prietenoase mediului care sa raspunda nevoilor actuale privind protectia mediului
The research carried out during the BIO-AUTO project allowed the evaluation of the microbial and botanical biofiltration options for the mitigation of the urban air pollution, particularly addressing the air pollutants issued from the underground auto parkings, considering both the removal performance of the various gaseous compounds and the overall environmental performance as well. The research resulted in the proposal and testing under real conditions of two promising technological options (modular column-type biofilter, green wall-type biofilter), both based on plants, which were viable on the long term. The modular biofilter was hybrid, combining a microbial biofiltration process with a botanical biofiltration process, while the green wall benefited from the microbial component through the plant growth substrate. The presence of the microbiota is associated with an enhancement of the biodegradation process of the organic contaminants, while plants play an important role in capturing the carbon dioxide supplied with the atmospheric air or generated in situ from the biological processes. The performed investigations pointed out the potential of plants from the Romanian flora to be used in such biofilters, but also of new plants that have not been investigated until now, from the category of aerial plants, thus bringing important contributions in this field and opening new perspectives and opportunities for advanced scientific exploration towards the development of environmentally friendly solutions according to the actual needs regarding the environmental protection.
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